Transport Karlštejn
Passenger transport Karlštejn and surroundings
We offer transport services
You are in Karlštejn or nearby. You need to Karlštejn. In a campsite, hotel or guesthouse, are you alone or are there more of you?
The train is not running and you are in a hurry?
We offer the use of our transport services. cars and minibuses.
Transport services also in the form of TAXI SERVICE.

Transport to the castle
We will take you to the castle. You don't have to tread the rising pedestrian zone.
Now, in case of your interest, during transport to the castle, a view of Great America included. (Ask the driver)
Passenger transport from the central car park, from the ČD railway station, etc.
Interesting prices, volume discounts.

Canyon Great America.
Beautiful view of the famous quarry.
Open-air museum Solvayovy doly and Koněpruské caves.
Other trips and services according to your plans.
You have your plan, you can do it there, won't you? Contact us.
We also offer transportation services for cultural events, theaters, night tours, etc.
Thank you to all our customers for supporting and using our services.